Students clash on tech campus - Five injured as altercation snowballs into fight | |||||||||||||||
TT, Siliguri, Oct. 28: Five students were injured after two groups clashed at the Siliguri Institute of Technology today following an altercation on a welcome programme to be held for newcomers at the end of this month. The incident, the first in the institute which was set up in 2001 and does not have any student union, led to the disruption of classes as police arrived at the scene to tackle the situation. Bikram Roy, a fourth-year student, suffered head injury. All the injured were rushed to the Sukna Health Centre and released after first aid. Bikram required a stitch on the forehead. College authorities said an inquiry would be conducted. “Considering the incident and the disruption of activities at the institution, it has been decided to set up an inquiry committee to investigate the matter,” said S. Dasgupta, the principal of the institute. “Once we assimilate the details, we will definitely take stern action against those found guilty. We have, however, not filed police complaints against anyone.” A college faculty and a witness to the incident said a disagreement had cropped up between two groups of students regarding the Freshers’ Welcome. “This led to an altercation between the two groups on the college grounds and in no time it snowballed into a big fight.” Soon more students got involved. They hit each other with fists and belts and five of them suffered injuries, the teacher added. A committee of second-year students had been constituted to organise the welcome programme on the basis of names proposed by students themselves. A panel of teachers too, had been formed to oversee their activities. ![]() Bikram Roy. (Suman Tamang) The witness, however, could not say what exactly the altercation was all about. The students were also silent and chose to ignore questions put to them, dubbing it as an “internal matter of the college”. The commotion continued for half-an-hour before a force arrived from the Sukna police outpost, located a couple of kilometres away, and brought the situation under control. “It is an internal matter and we will resolve it among ourselves,” one of the students said. The injured students, who went to Sukna Health Centre, gathered near the police outpost primarily with an intention of filing complaints against the attackers. However, after some time, the students stepped back and did not file the complaint, which sources said, was probably because of a negotiation, between the warring groups.Police at the Sukna outpost said they had not received any FIR from the students. “We have not received any FIR from the college authorities or the students,” an officer said. “On hearing about the incident, we visited the SIT premises and brought things under control. The situation is normal in the institute now, but we are keeping a close watch.” He said this was the first time that there has been trouble involving the students of the SIT. “There is no students’ union in the institution and we have never heard of any clashes taking place there ever since the SIT opened in 2001,” the officer said. TT, Darjeeling, Oct. 28: The drone of gyaling (a Tibetan musical instrument) reverberated across Darjeeling and masked dancers performed the traditional chamas 11-year-old Jigme Wangchuk from Boston was enthroned today as the reincarnation of Gyalwa Lorepa, more than 750 years after the monk of the Drukpa sect died. For Wangchuk, a fifth grader at St Peter’s School, Boston, the recognition as the incarnate of the monk who passed away in 1250 AD, had come two years ago. From today, however, Wangchuk’s seat will be the Druk-Sa-Ngag Choeling monastery at Dali in Darjeeling. “It is after 700 years that the reincarnation has arrived,” said Karma Rinpoche, who is the boy’s uncle. Reincarnations are identified through an elaborate procedure. In 2007, when Wangchuk was visiting the Kagyu-Nalanda monastery near Mysore he had spoken of his past life describing his vision of monasteries as they stood then, including one in Bhutan. “He talked about the monastery (in Bhutan) being situated in a rocky area of the Himalayas with a 35-foot long dragon adorning its rooftop,” recalled Karma Rinpoche. Four hours after Wangchuk recited his vision, the 12th incarnate of Tsangpa Gyare — another Drukpa monk — sent word to the family, recognising the boy as Gyalwa Lorepa. The first Lorepa had received his initial teachings from Gyare. After Gyare passed away, Lorepa had meditated at Mount Kailash for 13 years and founded the Tharpa Ling monastery in Bhutan. His followers belong to the Drukpa lineage, which is part of the Mahayana sect of Buddhism. Hundreds of people today attended the ceremony to pay obeisance to the reincarnation but the parents found it difficult to part ways with the boy. “I even visited the monastery in Bhutan to see if it really matches with his description. When I found it was true, I realised he was the real incarnate,” said his mother, Dechen. The family members had always been told by other religious heads that the boy was special. When he was actually recognised as an incarnate, the family had little choice but to accept it. “We have left Boston and have to live in Darjeeling along with my husband Chosang and my 10-year-old daughter Tashi Norzum,” said Dechen. Her husband is a businessman. The family now wants to serve the Lorepa incarnate and is planning to send the daughter to a school in Darjeeling. As for the reincarnate, he does miss “being a joyful school boy and my friends, my home”. Even though he did not speak, he gave written replies to a few questions posed to him. Wangchuk believes there has been a “big transition” but realises that being a rinpoche is “such a great honour and I feel blessed with my past responsibilities”. The Lorepa reincarnate has promised to remain in touch with his friends through “the email”, in tune with present day life. TT, Darjeeling, Oct. 28: Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park in Darjeeling is set to welcome new members from Japan. Okinawa Kids Foundation, which has a zoo in Japan, flew four blue sheep and six Himalayan tahr to Calcutta last night. The animals were brought as part of an exchange programme with the Japan zoo. But the authorities at the only zoo in north Bengal will have to wait for one month as the animals have to be monitored for any signs of disease after a long journey. “The blue sheep and the Himalayan tahr will be quarantined in a special facility near the Calcutta airport for one month before they can be brought to Darjeeling,” Siromani Sangden, the estate officer of the Darjeeling zoo, said over the phone from Calcutta. Apart from the estate officer, director of the zoo, A.K. Jha, a vet and three housekeepers from Darjeeling were also in Calcutta to receive the animals. “The vet and the house keepers will be staying in Calcutta for a month to monitor the animals,” said Sangden. He added that the quarantine facility had already been fitted with ACs. “About two years ago, two elephants from Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary had been sent to Japan,” said the estate officer. The Darjeeling zoo does not have any blue sheep at the moment. Two pairs of the threatened species will now be the latest attention at one of the most sought-after tourist points in town. The zoo, however, has one female Himalayan tahr. The Central Zoo Authority had earlier announced a nation wide conservation breeding programme for 63 critically endangered species. Under this project, the Darjeeling zoo had been given permission to start the breeding of blue sheep, Himalayan tahr, Himalayan monal, grey peacock pheasants, Himalayan blood pheasants and satyr tragopan. With the arrival of the two species, the conservation programme is expected to start immediately. मुख्यमन्त्री चामलिङ र सिक्किमका राजनेताहरूले दार्जीलिङवासीलाई मुक्ति दिलाउनुपर्छः गोर्खा कांग्रेस HimGiri गान्तोक, 25 अक्टोबर(हिस):सिक्किम दार्जीलिङको विलय गरिइनु पर्दछ भन्ने मूल मूद्धासित पहाड़को राजनीतिमा अघि आएको एक राजनीतिक दल गोर्खा राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेसले सिक्किममा मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङ लगायत यहॉंका राजनीतिक दलका नेताहरूलाई भेट्ने कार्यक्रम लिएर सो राजनीतिक पार्टीका एक टोली यहॉं आइपुगेका छन्। सो पार्टीका अध्यक्ष डी.के. बम्जनले यहॉं एक पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा दिएका हुन्।उनले पत्रकारहरूलाई दिएको जानकारी अनुसार दार्जीलिङमा जन्मेको सो पार्टीले सिक्किमको दक्षिण जिल्ला र पश्चिम जिल्लामा पनि आफ्नो दलको शाखा खोल्ने भएका छन्। सिक्किम र दार्जीलिङको विलयको प्रसंगबारे उल्लेख गर्दै बम्जनले अरू भने, दार्जीलिङलाई बंगालको दासत्वबाट मुक्ति दिलाउनु अब एक मात्र विकल्प सिक्किमलाई दार्जीलिङमा विलय गर्नु रहेको छ।भारतमा भारतीय गोर्खाहरूको पहिचान र अस्तिवको लागि सिक्किम दार्जीलिङको विलय अपरिहार्य रहेको पनि उनले जनाए, यसैले सिक्किमका सबै राजनीतिक दलहरू यो गहन विषयबारे चिन्तनशील बनेर समयमा नै सिक्किम दार्जीलिङ विलय विषय समर्थन जनाउनु पर्ने भएको जनाउँदै यसका लागि सिक्किमका सबै राजनीतिक दलहरूले यो मुद्धालाई समर्थन गरिदिने आग्रह पनि बम्जनले गरेको छ। आफ्नो दल राष्ट्रीय कांग्रेसले सत्ताको राजनीति गरेको छैन भन्दै तिनले सिक्किमका राजनीतिक पार्टीहरूसित मिलेर विलयको मुद्धामा संयुत रुपमा आन्दोलन गर्ने आफ्नो राजनीतिक दलको अड़ान रहेको पनि पत्रकारहरूलाई जनाए।उनले अझ भने, दार्जीलिङका जनताले दु:ख पाउनुमा सिक्किम सरकार जिम्मेवार रहेको छ, दार्जीलिङको खास मालिक नबोल्दाखेरि आज दार्जीलिङको स्थिति बिग्रिएर गएको छ। यसका साथै उनले आगामी 21 डिसेम्बरको दिन दार्जीलिङमा हुने त्रिपक्षीय वार्तामा बंगालबाट कसरी दार्जीलिङले मुति पाउनुपर्छ, यस मूल विषयमा मात्र वार्ता हुनुपर्छ। TT, Siliguri, Oct. 28: Flawed and non-convincing FIRs and non-cooperation from families of trafficking victims are the main hurdles for punishing traffickers, police feel. At a seminar on trafficking, Kalyan Gurung, an officer of Pradhan Nagar police station, said: “We initiate cases based on the FIRs and evidences but most of the time the complaint is not elaborate and convincing to help us slap non-bailable offences on the traffickers. Even if we file suo motu case based on evidences, the victims and their families turn hostile in court. The families need to cooperate with us to dole out severe punishment to the culprits.” Sauvik Basu, the district coordinator of Sanlaap — a Calcutta-based NGO that organises the seminar, said when the question of taking the consent of the victims and their families arose in starting a case against traffickers, they shied away out of fear of social taboo. “Even if the victim is willing, the family stops her. So the traffickers remain at large and the incidences of re-trafficking have increased,” Basu said. The seminar discussed a six-month study conducted by Sanlaap on “emerging good practices in care and protection at 13 shelter homes in India, Nepal and Bangladesh”. The NGO works for the rights of women against trafficking. The problem is more rampant in north Bengal where the victims are mainly from closed tea gardens and are scared of getting entangled in legal matters, which may expose their identities. TT, Siliguri/Islampur, Oct. 28: Birbahadur Tamang, a resident of Salugara, died in a road accident at Kalijhora near Sevoke today. Police said the 37-year-old man was driving a pick-up van to Siliguri, when he lost control of the vehicle. The van skidded off NH31A and fell into a gorge, killing Tamang on the spot. In another accident, Majibor Rahman, a 40-year-old resident of Dalkhola, was run over by a Raiganj-bound truck near Dalkhola railway gate on NH34 today. Police could not arrest the driver as he managed to escape with the vehicle. TT, Alipurduar: A female barking deer died at Uttar Chakoakheti under Bania beat of Wild Life-III division on Wednesday morning. A post-mortem was conducted and Dharmodeo Rai, the officer in-charge of the division, said the deer had died because of heart failure caused by exhaustion. TT, Jaigaon: Maya Roy, a 40-year-old resident of Dhupjhora in Metelli block, was killed by an elephant in Murti Range on Wednesday. Tarun Mahanabish, the Gorumara North ranger, said Roy had gone to the forest to collect firewood, along with her neighbour Shanti Roy, when the elephant attacked them. Shanti has suffered injuries. She is under treatment at North Bengal Medical College and Hospital.
TT, Siliguri: The Guardians’ Forum of North Bengal on Wednesday called a 48- hour strike in all English-medium schools in and around Siliguri from Thursday. TT, Siliguri: The Kiranchandra Memorial Night Football Championship kicked off at Kanchenjungha Stadium here on Wednesday. Six teams will participate in the tourney which was inaugurated by Siliguri mayor Gangotri Dutta. The final match will be played on November 1. Photographers prevented from clicking Ansari PTI, Gangtok, 28 Oct: Mediapersons in Sikkim were at the receiving end of the security arrangements made for the Vice President Mr Hamid Ansari with lensmen prevented from clicking the visiting dignitary at close range despite carrying security passes issued by the authorities.
As soon as the Indian Air Force (IAF) helicopter carrying the Vice-President landed at Libing helipad, the group of photographers standing at their pre-alloted place were pushed back by the overzealous securitymen leading to arguments between them.
The photographers were allowed to click Mr Ansari from about a distance of 50 meters. Consequently, most of them could get only blurred pictures of the Vice-President, an aggrieved photographer told PTI here.
The securitymen refused to acknowledge the security passes issued to the journalists by the DGP's office for the coverage of the Vice-President's visit.
The police authorities were not available for their reaction on the ill-treatment meted out to the photo journalists at the helipad by the securitymen.
Earlier this month, a group of journalists invited for the coverage of Chief Minister Mr Pawan Kumar Chamling's programme at Samman Bhawan were made to stand on the road for nearly an hour and later frisked thoroughly. Their mobile phones were also taken away by the securitymen before being allowed to go inside the building for coverage. Cong to form MIC, Trinamul left behind SNS, SILIGURI 28 OCT: The Congress is going to form the Mayor-in-Council (MIC) of the Siliguri Municipal Corporation (SMC) leaving out its official ally~ the Trinamul.
As per both the SMC Mayor Miss Gangotri Dutta and the Darjeeling district Congress president Mr Shankar Malakar, the names of the MIC's and the deputy mayor are likely to be notified tomorrow noon.
“We waited for almost 30 days for a reconciliation with the Trinamul. But due to the adamant attitude of one particular Trinamul leader in Siliguri, the situation did not change. Under this circumstance, we have no other option but to form the MIC on our own,” Mr Malakar said this evening. The district Congress president today held a meeting with the Mayor and other Congress councillors and finalised the list MIC members, deputy mayor candidate and Borough committee chairpersons. SMC has a total of seven MIC seat and five Borough committees.
As per a reliable source, the Mayor would retain the Building Section on her own and would allot the rest MIC portfolios among the party councillors. Ward number 11 councillor, Mr Nantu Pal is almost certain to become the deputy Mayor.
Meanwhile, the 15 Trinamul councillors in the SMC met this evening to discuss the ongoing impasse with the Congress. The meeting was convened and chaired by senior party leader Mr Pratul Chakraborty. “During the over two-hour long meeting, most of the councillors raised the issue as why the impasse with the Congress could not be resolved in the past 25-30 days. At the end of the meeting, it was decided to request the party state leadership to take a re-look for ending the SMC impasse with Congress,” a source in the Trinamul said on conditions of anonymity. |
Security Force begin Hunt for WB Train Attackers
ANI,Jhargram (West Bengal), Oct 28Wednesday: Security Force began combing the jungles near Jhargram in West Midnapore district to hunt down the Maoist-backed rebels who held the Bhubaneswar-Delhi Rajdhani Express and its 667 passengers hostage Tuesday.
Apart from the Antapani jungles near Jhargram town, paramilitary forces and the police conducted door-to-door searches in several adjoining villages to look for Maoist guerrillas and members of the People's Committee Against Police Atrocities (PCAPA) responsible for the daring attack on the express train.
"We are carrying out search operations to nab the culprits," said a district police officer.
PCAPA leader Asit Mahato, meanwhile, alleged that people were fleeing from 15 villages in the area between Banstala and Manikpara "as they are unable to bear the torture by the security forces".
Inspector General of Police (Western Range) Kuldip Singh told IANS: "We are doing whatever is needed to be done to provide foolproof security to passengers and railway staff".
A district police officer said a new group called the 'Sidhu-Kanu Gana Militia' raised by the PCAPA could have fomented the trouble Tuesday.
But Kuldip Singh did not confirm the existence of any such group. "I have no information on this new outfit. For us, the PCAPA and the Maoists are the same."
The police officer said a clear idea about whether any such outfit had been formed would emerge only after the arrest and interrogation of some of the suspects.
On Tuesday, around 500 PCAPA members had held up the Delhi-bound Rajdhani Express for more than four hours at Banstala Halt near Jhargram station by squatting on the tracks and forcing out the drivers at the Halt station near the Antapani jungle.
After several tension-filled hours, which saw a police team proceeding to the spot ambushed by the Left wing rebels, Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) troopers and state policemen finally took over the train around 7 p.m.
All the passengers were safe.
IE, New Delhi, 28 Oct: An inquiry into a controversial land deal in Darjeeling has brought two of the seniormost Generals under the scanner and has put on hold the appointment of one of them as the Deputy Chief of Army Staff (DCAS).
The inquiry was ordered after it came to light that an institution, allegedly posing as an affiliate of the Mayo College in Ajmer, obtained no-objection certificates (NOCs) from the Army for the transfer of a large portion of land near the 33 Corps HQ in Sukna, Darjeeling.
The inquiry has put on hold the appointment of Lt Gen P K Rath, who was commanding 33 Corps when the matter came to light, as the DCAS (Information System and Training). The inquiry will also look into the role of all officers involved in granting the NOCs, including current Military Secretary Lt Gen Avadhesh Prakash who was then commanding the Darjeeling-based 17 Mountain Division.
While the next step would be a formal Court of Inquiry (COI), Rath has been attached to the Kolkata-based Eastern Command till the internal inquiry is completed. He was to take charge next month as Deputy Chief at Army HQ. The post will now remain vacant till a decision is taken based on the initial inquiry.
Sources said the inquiry pertains to the sale and transfer of a tea estate in Sukna near the 33 Corps HQ. The estate, which lies close to the HQ, had been put up for sale a few years ago. As it lay adjacent to Defence land, an Army NOC was required for its transfer. The sale was halted after the Army refused to give an NOC, keeping in mind the security of the cantonment.
The Army instead offered to buy the land from the tea estate owner, given its location. But in an about turn, the sale and transfer was cleared later after the institution pleaded that it would be setting up a school on the property and was an affiliate for Mayo College. The NOC for transfer of land was allegedly granted on this very basis, sources said.
After construction work began on the tea estate, it came to light that the Mayo College had nothing to do with the land and told the Army it did not have any affiliate that was setting up a school in Darjeeling. The Army inquiry was launched shortly afterwards and Rath was asked to stay back in Darjeeling till a report came in.
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