Lt Gen Vijay Madan to be interlocutor for Gorkha talks
KalimNews with input from PIB, NEW DELHI and Yahoo News: Changing the previous interlocutor the Central Government has made a fresh appointment of an interlocutor. In response to the long-pending demand from the local representatives from the Gorkha-dominated Darjeeling district in West Bengal, the Centre on Friday finally appointed Lt Gen (retd) Vijay Madan as its interlocutor to hold talks with groups demanding a separate state of Gorkhaland.
Replacing the former Intelligence Bureau chief P C Haldar as interlocutor Madan will represent the Central Government in the fourth round of tripartite talk. He belonged to the 4, Gorkha Rifles and is known to have a good understanding of the ground situation in the region. A Home Ministry statement said terms and conditions of Madan's appointment will be issued later. He is related to Army War College of Madhya Pradesh hails from Indore.
According PIB announcement Lt. General (Retd) Vijay Madan has been appointed the interlocutor for the purpose of handling talks in respect of the demand for Gorkhaland with all stake holders. The detailed terms and conditions of the appointment will be issued in due course. Madan will talke part in the talk of 21st December at Darjeeling P. Chitambaram , Union Home Minister said.
Lt. General Madan is also a contributor of a book titled Kargil Blunder:Pakistan's plight; India's victory. It is jointly worked out by Lt. Gen. Jaswant Singh PVSM,VSM, Mohan Guruswamy, Parvez Diwan, S.K.Singh , Maj Gen Afsir Karim, Lt. General S.N.Sharma, Arun Bhagat and Lt.General Vijay Madan. This book is written by Maj. Gen Bahl Y.(Retd) , a book on Operation Vijay in Kargil. Lt Gen Vijay Madan, PVSM, VSM has also written "Jammu and Kashmir Operations, 1947-48" , " The other Version and The Face Behind the Mask" , "Behind the Veil- Pakistan’s Inter - Services Intelligence" and others . He has also authored several articles on Kashmir issues such as The Situation in Jammu and Kashmir (For article Click here).
Chhat Puja
PTI,25 Oct,New Delhi: The West Bengal BJP chief had to step down today for poor performance of the party in the Lok Sabha polls, a day after Vasundhara Raje bowed to pressure from the central leadership and quit as leader of opposition in the Rajasthan assembly.
West Bengal BJP president Satyabrat Mukherjee resigned from his post to abide with the party decision to remove all unit heads in states where the party had performed badly in the Lok Sabha polls, party sources said. His resignation was accepted by Rajnath Singh.
Mukherjee has been replaced by Rahul Sinha, who was nominated as the West Bengal state unit president of the party by Singh today.
However, the party leadership maintains that new state unit presidents are being appointed as country-wide organisational elections are on to elect office-bearers from block level upwards.
State unit presidents of BJP in Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and other states where the party performed poorly had sent in their resignations to Singh. They have been replaced by the party high command.
Parents of the convicts reported to the CMC when their daughters did not return home for three days and more. Having received the petition from them , CMC arranged for the spies in different hotels and restaurants of Biratnagar, Itahari, Dharan, Damak and Birtamode. D.B. Giurung.the co-ordinator of the committee reported that these three girls, all under aged, were arrested from these places who belong to the Bhutanese Refugee Camp. They were Moti Tamang and Gopimaya Darjee-16 of C/2; and Dolma Tamang-15 of J/1 of Sanischare Camp.
They confessed that they were all enticed into these illegal business by Devi Gurung of Beldangi-2. They also disclosed that they earn 1000 to 5000 Nepalese currency each time they get into the business. According to the arrestees, all girls of their age or thereabouts who have dropped off their regular schooling from seven different camps have been in these line for long.
To one’s dismay, Nima Dolma Tamang also explained the fact that there is an organisation comprising of girls and women who have given to this illegal undertaking who generate money thereby to deposit into a common bank account created in the name of that group.
As per Tamang, the group travels from place to place satisfying the demanding needs of the hotels and restaurants. It is understood from miss Tamang that the mobile group is rendering services for their sex customers from Kakadvitta in the east to Dharan in the west.Tamang also accused Sapana Subaba of Sanischere and Anju and Manju Biswa of Beldangi camp of engaging them in the sex game themselves living in Itahari.
Orientation Facilitators arrived in Australia
By Guna Majhi and Devi Ghimire.
Oct 23. One of the cultural orientation facilitators for the resettlement of Bhutanese in Australia Miss. Neera Chaulagai has arrived in Melbourne today. Speaking at an interaction program organized by the AMES settlement agency here in Melbourne, Miss. Chaulagain said that she was sent here by the office of the International Organization for Migration(IOM), Damak, to know the current situation of the Bhutanese resettled in Melbourne. Around 10 resettled Bhutanese attended the program that was organized basically to figure out the difficulties being faced by the Bhutanese after their settlement in this new country.
In the program, different individuals expressed their new experience and hardships they came across in the initial stage of their settlement. Mr. Ghanashyam Luitel, the first resettled Bhutanese in Melbourne said, “It is very tough for the newly arrived to find a good apartment in the beginning.” He also citited the lack of driving skill in resettled Bhutanese as the barrier for employement.
Another senior member of the community Mr.Thakur Prashad Luitel clarified that communication gap developed among different communities due to linguistic problem since English is still a far cry for some resettled Bhutanese here.
Bhuwani Shankar Acharya emphasized that Bhutanese people need bilingual teacher to learn English in Adult Migrant Education Program (AMEP) classes. He also stressed the need of teaching English language in the cultural orientation classes.
Almost all the resettled Bhutanese proposed more and more families including a priest be brought to Australia for the well fare of the community. They sent messages to their relatives and the well-wisher telling them to learn and develop the language and technological skills before leaving the camps.
In general, Neera Chaulagai informed that every effort is being made to improve the skills providing more vocational training to Bhutanese Refugee leaving for third countries in near future. She advised everyone to keep patient, continue learning language and develop the skills for better life in future (The duo are the Bhutanusa correspondents in Melbourne, Australia)
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