KalimNews, 10 Nov : First it was vehicular traffic control then seizure of Sikkim made liquor and now removal of illegal water tapping. Yes, the Gorkhaland Police (later renamed as Gorkhaland Personnel) cadres have now started to assist the Govt. department i.e. Public Health Engineering (PHE) of DGHC to unearth the ‘illegal’ water connections of the local residents. The local educated and intellectual circle has expressed concern over the maintenance of law & order by the GLP which is a totally private and political force.
On 9th November Rajen Pradhan, Superintendent of Water Works department led a contingent of the GLP and reached Dhwang Dara at Tripai Hill and started to unearth the existing water pipelines as according to him these were illegal. While speaking to the media, Pradhan claimed that the concerned local residents have been instructed to apply for regularisation of their existing illegal lines with requisite documents.
The local residents whose waterlines have been disconnected have expressed their resentment over the development and claimed that it was the concerned department which despite repeated requests delayed in providing the official line in proper time on various pretexts which ultimately compelled them to make adjustment at their own. Pradhan did not rule out the hand in gloves of some of the departmental officials in providing such unauthorised connection and warned them to face disciplinary action if found guilty.
On the other hand, local residents have viewed that use of the GLP which is a unit of political outfit, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, by a Govt. agency could be highly risky and it may adversely affect the ongoing Gorkhaland movement. According to them, the services of the GLP could be utilized in making the local people aware of their duties towards the society, awakening the youths about the ill-effects of illegal, immoral activities like speedy driving, drug abuse and social evils including illiteracy, flesh trading, corruption, mal-practice during examinations, human trafficking, etc. For this purpose the GLP may be imparted adequate training by organising different kinds of workshops, seminars under the guidance of expertise of the respective fields.
The local residents whose waterlines have been disconnected have expressed their resentment over the development and claimed that it was the concerned department which despite repeated requests delayed in providing the official line in proper time on various pretexts which ultimately compelled them to make adjustment at their own. Pradhan did not rule out the hand in gloves of some of the departmental officials in providing such unauthorised connection and warned them to face disciplinary action if found guilty.
On the other hand, local residents have viewed that use of the GLP which is a unit of political outfit, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, by a Govt. agency could be highly risky and it may adversely affect the ongoing Gorkhaland movement. According to them, the services of the GLP could be utilized in making the local people aware of their duties towards the society, awakening the youths about the ill-effects of illegal, immoral activities like speedy driving, drug abuse and social evils including illiteracy, flesh trading, corruption, mal-practice during examinations, human trafficking, etc. For this purpose the GLP may be imparted adequate training by organising different kinds of workshops, seminars under the guidance of expertise of the respective fields.
Drop-bill demand before talks
TT,Darjeeling, Nov. 9: Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung today set a condition to the fourth round of tripartite talks, saying that DGHC should be dissolved and the Sixth Schedule Bill officially scrapped before the December-21 meeting.
Gurung, who was speaking at a seminar on Gorkhaland organised by the ex-servicemen’s association at the Darjeeling Gymkhana Hall, said: “The DGHC must be dissolved and the Sixth Schedule bill officially dropped. Otherwise things cannot move forward”.
The Morcha leader, however, did not clarify whether the party would boycott the talks if the demands were not fulfilled. During the third round of talks between the state, Centre and the Morcha in New Delhi on August 11, the three sides had agreed to dissolve the DGHC and drop the Sixth Schedule Bill.
Dropping the bill would not be much of a problem as the next session of Parliament is set to be convened in the next two weeks. But dissolving the council before the talks could be an uphill task largely because the Morcha has also demanded that all the 6,000 DGHC contractual workers be regularised before it is dissolved. The Morcha has already demanded that the process of issuing appointment letters to contractual workers should begin from November 17, failing which they have threatened to launch an agitation.
Darjeeling MP Jaswant Singh, while addressing the meeting, said for Gorkhaland “one must show patience, should maintain peace and have determination and thoughtfulness”.
“The unity of the hills is its biggest strength and Gorkhaland is not a demand but a right of the people. Gorkhaland will definitely be a reality,” the MP said.
The three-day seminar also brought the Morcha and the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh closer to each other. The two bodies, the Parisangh is an apolitical front, have not shared the best of relations in the past.
Dil Kumari Bhandari, a former Sikkim MP and the president of the Parisangh, said: “We have supported the movement in the past and will continue to do so in future. We can definitely be united.”
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