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Monday, December 7, 2009

DM orders probe into NGO’s role in flesh trade
SNS, JALPAIGURI, 7 DEC: The DM Jalpaiguri Mrs Vandana Yadav today said that she would order a probe into complaints against a Non Government Organisation after a woman stated that the NGO was trying to force her into flesh trade.
The middle-aged woman, a resident of Jalpaiguri wrote that she was from a distressed family and worked as a domestic help. “In 2006 I met a woman member of an NGO who offered me a job in her organisation,” she wrote.
According to her, she was initially appointed to identify AIDS affected women in the town and rural areas and to bring them to the NGO office for treatment. “I was then asked to become a sex worker as that would enhance my income but I rejected it. The NGO people then started threatening me and I finally had to consent and continued to work as a sex worker till 2008,” the complaint read. “I have informed the district administration about the developments,” she said today.
Denying the allegations against the NGO, its legal adviser Mr Rishi Chakraborty and patient councillor Mrs Arundhati Roy claimed that the interest of the touts and agents linked with flesh trade were being hurt by the good work the NGO was doing and so they were trying to spread rumours and damage the NGO's reputation.
“Convinced by the quality of our work, the state government recently entrusted us with different projects. Moreover, we are also working to free the girls from clutches of the tout and agents’. Hence, they are trying to malign us through such false allegations,” they said.
Describing the matter as “serious,” the Jalpaiguri DM Mrs Vandana Yadav said the complaint would be probed. “It is a serious allegation and we would handle it with proper importance. I would also look after the security of the complainant,” the DM added.

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GNLF body holds protest rally at Panighatta
SNS, SILIGURI 6 DEC: Having failed to procure permission for a proposed ‘cultural’ convention at Panighatta in Kurseong sub-division, the GNLF-backed Gorkha Janjati Manyata Samaraho Samity today brought out a silent rally there in protest against the administration's “authoritarian” attitude.
The rally was a dilution of the Samity's earlier threat to go in for a 72-hour shutdown in Terai, beginning today.
The protest march, with some 500-odd participants wearing black gags across their mouth and badges on arm, commenced at around 10:30 am and made a round of the entire Panighatta market.
The protesters also carried placards condemning the administration's disallowing the convention, allegedly on the behest of the GJMM. Interestingly, around 50 percent of the marchers were women.
The administration had deployed a sizeable number of police force to negate the possibility a face off with the rival GJMM.
“Almost all the marchers were locals of Panighatta only and they carried out silent rally without any trouble,” said Mr Sujit Lama, officer in-charge of the Panighatta police outpost.
The Samaraho Samity secretary Mr Tikka Khati claimed that the participation of hundreds of individuals in the rally was an indication that the people at large have become fade up with the GJMM's atrocities and the nurturing that was being provided to it by the administration.
“This time, the administration has denied us permission for the Panighatta convention. But let us clarify, after the 21 December tripartite talks in Darjeeling, we would organise political activities right in the heart of the Hills. At this point, the people are scared of the GJMM. But it would not be the same after the talks,” Mr Khati claimed.
The Gorkha Janjati Manyata Samaraho Samity is a recently floated body, which is pressing for the Schedule Tribe status for all the Gorkhas in Darjeeling ~ a demand that was first raised by the GNLF chief Mr Subash Ghising.
The samity wanted to hold a ‘cultural’ convention at Panighatta from 4 to 6 of December, which was being seen an attempt by the GNLF to surface in the Hills politics again.
However, apprehending a commotion with the rival GJMM, the administration refused permission for the three-day event, prompting the organisers to observe a successful shutdown at Panighatta on 3 December. The impasse seems to have ended temporarily following the silent rally today.

GJM not to budge from statehood demand: Giri
PTI, Kolkata, 6 Dec: Stating that the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha would not budge from its demand of Gorkhaland in the next tripartite talks, GJM general secretary Mr Roshan Giri today said that creation of a separate state only would solve the problem in the Darjeeling Hills.
“It is the aspiration of all Gorkhas as we have been discriminated against over the years in all fields starting from education to jobs,” Mr Giri said here today.
Asked whether the tripartite talks on the issue scheduled to be held on December 21 in Darjeeling would bear any fruit, he said “our one and only demand is Gorkhaland and unless that demand is met, no talks will be fruitful.”
“It is not just a problem of Gorkhas of Darjeeling and Dooars, it is an issue for all Gorkhas throughout India,” he said.
“We want a new state for the sake of our identity. So many years we have been part of Bengal, but have got nothing,” the GJMM general secretary
Claiming that the proposal to grant special status under Sixth Schedule of the Constitution had been opposed by Gorkha youths and that had given rise to the GJM, Giri said no other solution would be welcome. Though Subhas Ghising's Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) had agreed to the special status proposal, the process was scuttled by violent protests in the Hills.
The agitation finally led to the political decimation of Ghising, once a hero who had started the Gorkhaland movement in 1986 demanding statehood but had settled for the Gorkha Hill Council for the three sub-divisions Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong.

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