Weather Report Dated 6.08.2009
General Cloudy sky. Chances of moderate rain or showers. Maximum and minimum temperatures likely to be around 21°C and18°C respectively.
Gangtok city forecast of Max., Min. & Wx. Condition
Valid for the period | Max inoC | Min inoC | Rainfall in mm | Wx condition |
Next 24 hours | 21 | 18 | 036.0 |
Next 48 hours | 22 | 19 | 014.0 |
Met data dated 6.08.2009
Today’s Sun sets at (in IST) | 18:18 | Tomorrow Sun rises at (in IST) | 05:00 |
Moon rises at (in IST) | 18:58 | Moon sets at (in IST) | 05:55 |
24 hours rainfall( in mm) | 014.5 | ||
Max Temp. (in 0C) | 23.0 | Dep. from normal | +0.0 |
Min Temp. (in 0C) | 18.7 | Dep. from normal | +1.7 |
Cont: 9775980675 /9832311008 -----------
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A’$ X [aH$mS>© Hw$am… h„m ZJZ©w hmobm .....
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PIB, Gangtok 6th August, 2009: A day long programme was organized by the Sikkim Area of Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) in various places of Sikkim to celebrate the auspicious occasion of “Raksha Bandhan” in collaboration with Dainik Jagran Newspaper, to spread the message of brotherhood.
Functions were held in Kyongsa Senior School, Geyzing, Vidya Bharati School, Sombaria and Dream Land Academy, Uttarey. The Chief Guest of the programme Shri A K Nath, Area Organiser, SSB, Sikkim spoke about the need of brotherhood among the citizens of India especially those people living along the international border and to spread the message of nationalism by way of celebrating various festivals of the country. A total of 220 students across the state celebrated the Raksha Bandhan conducted by SSB Sikkim Area. (PIB)
Football field disintegrates into a battlefield | |||
The ‘wrestlemania’ took place today afternoon during the quarterfinal match between ‘TNites’, a team cobbled by the students of TNHSS and the football team of Sahastra Seema Bal (SSB), a paramilitary force deputed in Sikkim.The match was the second quarterfinal game of the West Point Golden Jubilee football tournament which had commenced recently. According to the students, the match was going well until the second half where a dispute crept over a decision by the referee.It is informed that the school team protested over the decision which then snowballed into an open confrontation between the supporters of both the teams.
Judging by the bruises, bloody noses and a possible hand fracture that the students suffered as the accompanying pictures show, it is to realize that which team emerged victorious from the scrape and which came second best. At least seven students and one teacher of TNHSS sustained injurious in the beating from the hands of the SSB jawans. The students were treated at STNM hospital and discharged after first aid. The injured students were Kasam Sherpa (Class XII) and MD Sadam (Class X), Sonam Tseten (Class X), Aditya Chettri (Class X), Tseten Lepcha (Class IX), Sonam Palden (Class X) and Paras Baraily (Class X). The injury toll of the students is more as many students stamped all over by the SSB did not report to the hospital for treatment. Many of them simply ran away to their homes with their injuries, the injured students said.
{g{¸$_ OñVmo empÝVnyU© àXoe_m ~goa gaH$mar ^Îmm ImEa _m{ÎmEH$m OdmZhê$bo ñHy$bo ZmZr a A{^^mdH$ gmW¡ OZgmYmaU _m{W OwZ aS,> SÊR>m a Tw>“m à`moJ Jaoa Ë`mo H$m`aVm hmo& `{X `mo Eg.Eg. ~r.H$mo ~Q>m{bEZbmB© Am\$Zmo VmJV_{W Ë`Ìmo K_ÊS>> N> a VmJV_m _m{ÎmEH$mo N> ^Zo {`Zrhê$H$mo ~Qm>[bEZbmB©Z¡ XoeH$mo g§doXZerb joÌ_m gê$dm JZ©w nZ} hmo, {`Zrhê$H$mo Agbr VmJV a ~b XoImCZo O½Jm Ë`mo hmo \w$Q>~bH$mo _¡XmZ a ñHy$boH$mo Q>mCH$mo hmoBZ&
oEg.Eg.~r.H$mo gÝ>X^©_m `mo n{hbmo KQ>Zm hmoBZ {~VoH$mo gmb n{íM_ ~“mbH$mo J¡ar~mg_m n{Z Eg.Eg. ~r.H$m OdmZhê$bo _m{ËVEa `gV¡ wCËnmV _ƒmEH$m {WE& `mo ~mhoH$ [g_mZm_m V¡ZmW EgEg~rH$m OdmZhê$bo AZwemgZH$mo {g_mZm ZmKoa gmYmaU _m{Zghê$bmB© gVmEH$mo KQ>Zm gmYmaU hmoBZ& Xoe ajm_m OwQ>oH$mo `mo AY©g¡{ZH$ ~bH$m OdmZhê$bo XoeH$mo gmYmaU ZmJ[aH$hê$bmB© gVmCZo {~f`_m g~¡^ÝXm ~XZm_ N> Eg.Eg.~r.& {g{¸$__m n{Z `gbo `mo ~ohþam XoImEH$mo N> a H${bbm ñHy$$bo_m{W OwZ A_mZdr` ì`dhma XoImEH$mo N> Ë`gH$mo {damoY_m {`Zrhê$_m{W H$madmhr JZ} XdmC {g{¸$_ gaH$ma àemgZ a goZmH$mo _m[W„mo Vh~mQ> JZ©wnZ} hþÝN> & ZÌ OZVmH$mo Q`mŠg_m XoeH$mo ajmH$mo Zm__m ^Îmm ImZohê$bo XoeH$m gmYaU _m{Zghê$bmB© gVmCZ Hw$Z¡ A{YH$ma N>¡Z&
SWINE FLUE PATIENT MISSING PTI, Aug 6 :A Boston-returned student, who tested positive for swine flu and was staying at his home here despite advice by authorities to admit him in an isolation ward, has mysteriously gone missing. IE, Kolkata 6 Aug: Ahead of the tripartite talks between the state government, the Centre and the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) on the GJM’s demand for a separate Gorkhaland, the state government on Wednesday turned down a resolution adopted by the chairpersons of the three municipalities of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong for running the administration of these municipalities. All the three municipalities are run by the GJM, which stalled elections of these civic bodies slated for June 16. In fact, not a single nomination could be filed because of the GJM’s opposition. As the term of the three municipalities ended on July 31, the state government appointed the SDOs of the three sub-divisions as administrators of the municipalities. The chairpersons of the municipalities were also made part of the Board. However, on August 1 the chairpersons of the three civic bodies — Pemba Tshering of Darjeeling, Norden Lama of Kalimpong, Krishna Limbo of Kueseong — adopted a resolution saying that the administration of the three civic bodies would continue to be run by the chairmen-in-council. They even issued cheques for payment of staff’s salaries and for meeting other expenses. The resolution reached the state government headquarters at Writers’ Buildings on August 3. Notices were sent to the banks concerned not to honour any of the cheques. “The move initiated by the three municipalities is unconstitutional and contrary to the Municipal Act. Any such move is unacceptable to us. The banks have been told not to clear the cheques,” said a state government official. Amar Lama, a senior leader of the GJM, said they had not yet received any communication from the state government.Bengal dismisses GJM municipality resoluttion
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